Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hi Everyone!
     We are working hard to set up the curriculum for next year. Our emphasis will be on Science next year, so get READY! 

  • Biology with Labs will be offered to out 9th - 12th grade students.  This will be a three hour long class with a break in the middle of the class.  First half of the class will be lecture will the second half will be lab work!  The fee has not been set at this point but we will use the Apologia Biology Second Edition book. 
  • Apologia's Newest Science book by Jeannie Fulbright "Human Physiology and Anatomy" will be taught for our 4th through 7th graders.  This class will also host a lab.  For the 4th - 5th graders, you will need to purchase the notebook that accompanies the book.  This class will last for 1 1/2 hours.
  • For the second class for this age group will be Keyboarding (Typing).  We are looking at programs needed for this class and will announce it later.
  • The 1st - 3rd graders - will take the Apologia's Astromony by Jeannie Fulbright.  There are scheduled class periods for activities that will support learning of the plants. 
  • Second class will be music appreciation for beginners.  You will need a small keyboard for this class and get ready to SING SING SING!
  • K4 - K5 will have learning activities revolving around Astronomy as they learn numbers, numbers, shapes and colors!
So as you can see, we have a lot to offer! We will hopefull host an open house and registration in July  or August.  Please stay tuned for futher details!